Development of green products

We are promoting the development and production of green (eco-friendly type) products.

Development of low power consumption products

In order to use limited global energy resources as efficiently as possible, we are advancing reductions in the amount of power consumed by our products.

Examples of low power consumption products
Examples of low power consumption products

Development of compact products

We are reducing the size and weight of our products as much as possible while still meeting consumer demands for functioning and performance.

  • Making products smaller and more lightweight than the same models in the past
  • Cutting packaging and distribution expenses due to making products smaller and more lightweight
  • Making products less expensive at the same time

Taking recycling into consideration

We are mindful of selecting recyclable materials starting from the product development stage, and we aim to create products that can be recycled as new raw materials even after the product’s service life is over by minimizing to the greatest extent possible parts that would be processed as industrial waste products.