As we at Takamisawa Cybernetics Co., Ltd. wish to be prepared in case anything should happen to our employees, customers visiting our company, all local residents living near us, people who just happen to pass by, or others, we have installed AED (automated external defibrillators) at our Head Office, 1st and 3rd Nagano Factories.
What is an AED?
An AED (automated external defibrillator) is a medical device that automatically performs an analysis of ventricular fibrillation in victims of cardiac arrest, and if necessary attempts to restore cardiac activity using electric shocks (defibrillation).
Head Office
Installed on the left side of coming into the head office’s entrance.
Nagano 1st Factory
Installed on the left side as you come into the factory building’s back entrance.
Nagano 3rd Factory
Installed on the left side coming into the factory building’s entryway.
Educating employees on how to use an AED
We are working to train personnel how to use an AED with classes, establishment of training sites, etc. so that they can save precious lives at work as well. Please use them when there is an emergency.
AED installation locations
For AED installation locations, click .